So long, free time. It was nice knowing you.
We’ve known for a while now that Sega were launching a new mini-Mega Drive later this year (hello, perfect Christmas present), and over the past few months, they’ve been cleverly releasing the full 40 pre-loaded game line-up in groups of 10.
This week they’ve announced 10 more and some of the newly announced games are absolutely classics and we didn’t think it was possible to want this retro console any more than we already did, but here we are.
New titles announced:
- Mega Man: The Willy Wars
- Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition
- Sonic Spinball
- Phantasy Star 4
- Beyond Oasis
- Ghouls ‘N Ghosts
- Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
- Golden Axe
- Vectorman
- Wonder Boy in Monster World
Previously announced titles:
- Earthworm Jim
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
- World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
- Contra: Hard Corps
- Streets of Rage 2
- Thunder Force 3
- Super Fantasy Zone
- Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja Master
- Landstalker
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Ecco the Dolphin
- Castlevania: Bloodlines
- Space Harrier 2
- Shining Force
- Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
- ToeJam & Earl
- Comix Zone
- Altered Beast
- Gunstar Heroes
There are still 10 more games to be announced, but to be honest, we’re EXTREMELY happy with what has been announced so far.
The Sega Genesis Mini/Mega Drive Mini will be available from Thursday 19 September, and should cost you around €80. Details on how to pre-order the console can be found here.