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16th Sep 2019

DCU have changed the name of their weekly Shite Nite event

Rudi Kinsella

A petition has already been launched to change the name back.

Anyone who studied in Dublin City University over the past few years will know all about Shite Night.

Every Tuesday, hundreds of students would flood into Nubar and try to forget that they had college the next day.

A great time would be had by all, but the name Shite Nite seemed apt for what was going on.

Shite music would be played, you’d be dressed in whatever shite clothes were clean at the time, and you’d spend the whole time talking shite.

But as of this year, the name Shite Nite is no more, as the weekly event has been renamed Devotion.

Nope. We’re not having it. And apparently we’re not alone.

A petition has already been launched by DCU student Amy Donohoe to change the name back to Shite Nite.

She wrote: “Shite Nite has been the iconic Tuesday night event in Nubar for years and quite frankly, ‘are you going Devotion?’ doesn’t have the same ring to it.”

There could be another chapter written in this story yet.

After all, DCU students do have a tendency to get what they want. Remember the chicken goujon scandal?

We have a feeling we haven’t heard the last of this…

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge

