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23rd May 2018

Breaking Bad’s Dean Norris posts embarrassing tweet and the replies are priceless

Carl Kinsella

You know the way that sometimes your grandparents can’t work the internet…

So instead of searching for something on Google, they end up posting it on their Facebook page? Well, this is like that, but a lot less cute.

Dean Norris, famous for playing Hank Schrader in Breaking Bad has aroused some hilarity on Twitter this morning after posting the phrase “Sex gifs” on Twitter, apropos of nothing at all. Three hours later and the tweet is somehow still there, which is an almost admirable commitment to whatever it is he’s actually going for here.

Needless to say, we’ve been cracking up at the replies, some of which have managed to include some A1 Breaking Bad humour. The internet in full flight is truly a thing of beauty.

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