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14th Dec 2018

PIC: First look at the terrifying creatures mentioned all the way back in first season of Game Of Thrones

Rory Cashin

Well… that is horrifying.

Cast your mind back to Season One, when Old Nan was telling pre-Three-Eyed-Raven Bran about the horrific things that people had to endure during The Long Night: “They swept through cities and kingdoms, riding their dead horses, hunting with their packs of pale spiders big as hounds…”

Clip via GameofThrones

Well, you no longer need to use your imagination to try to create a visual of what those huge pale spiders look like, as the 2020 Game Of Thrones Calendar (talk about forward planning) was teased on George R. R. Martin’s Twitter page, and right there we get a look at those incredibly scary ice spiders:

Now it is time for the guessing game.

Is this just an image that will only ever be seen in calendar form?

Could it be a tease for what the White Walker army is going to bring when they arrive in the final season of the show in April next year?

Or is it something we might see first hand in The Long Night the currently untitled prequel series?

Either way, Martin also made a recent statement about the current state of his next book in the A Song Of Ice & Fire series, as well as some other TV stuff to expect in the future:

“I know you want WINDS, and I am going to give it to you… but I am delighted that you stayed with me for this one as well. Your patience and unflagging support means the world to me. Me, I am back in my fortress of solitude, and back in Westeros.

“It won’t be tomorrow, and it won’t be next week, but you will get the end of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. Meanwhile, you have the final season of GAME OF THRONES coming, and the new show that is not yet officially called THE LONG NIGHT being cast, and a couple more shows still being scripted… and a few other cool things.”

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