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08th Sep 2022

There’s genuine Hollywood royalty on The Late Late Show this week

Dave Hanratty

The glitz, the glamour… but enough about Ryan Tubridy.

Update – Friday @ 3pm

In light of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, President Michael D Higgins will appear on The Late Late Show to speak about the Queen’s relationship with Ireland, the importance of her state visit here, her legacy and his return visit to the UK.

Ultimate Hell Week: The Professionals interview will be postponed for a later date.

Update Ends

Alright, you can park your jokes about the RTÉ canteen being raided this week, yeah?

True, bona-fide superstars will be in attendance – well, in London at least – as Ryan Tubridy jets across the water to sit down with A-list icons George Clooney and Julia Roberts to chat about their new romantic comedy, Ticket to Paradise.

The pair will also reveal why they wanted to reunite onscreen, George’s Irish ancestry and Julia’s memories of filming Michael Collins – will she get grilled over her accent in that movie? We’ll have to wait and see.

Back on home soil, Amy Huberman will pitch up to chat about her new children’s book and her upcoming acting projects.

To the wild world of reality TV next as TikTok hero Tadhg Fleming, Mrs Brown’s Boys actress Fiona O’Carroll and former Miss Ireland Pamela Uba will shine a light on facing their fears as part of this year’s Ultimate Hell Week: The Professionals programme.

Dublin’s Grafton Street recently saw the grand opening of Ireland’s first ever LEGO store, so what better time to assemble some Irish landmarks ahead of the inaugural Dublin Brick Con? No word on whether Tubridy will be doing this in real-time as the show progresses, but we have every faith.

Finally, the live music quotient shall be filled by Megan O’Neill.

Can you handle it? The Late Late Show hits YOUR television screen at 9.35pm on RTÉ One this Friday, 9 September.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge