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27th Mar 2020

RTÉ renames Operation Covid Nation as Operation Transformation: Keeping Well Apart

Dave Hanratty

The show is set to air next month.

Earlier this week, RTÉ officially announced Operation Covid Nation; a new programme from the Operation Transformation team designed to help households “deal with the reality of isolation and how we can all play our part in supporting the most vulnerable by our own actions”.

The name raised both eyebrows and questions and now, just a few days later, the project has received a fresh coat of paint in the form of Operation Transformation: Keeping Well Apart.

Content-wise, the show appears much the same with the likes of presenter Kathryn Thomas, clinical psychologist Dr Eddie Murphy and resident general practitioner Dr Sumi Dunne all on hand to guide the nation through this difficult unprecedented time.

This is not a weight loss series. It is about providing individuals and families with the tools to sustain our collective effort,” notes a statement issued on Friday (27 March).

At the heart of any series of Operation Transformation is people sharing their lives and experiences and in doing so helping others. In this series we will be following the lives of households who have asked for the support of the Operation Transformation experts.”

RTÉ stresses that this is “not a weight-loss series”, rather one that intends to provide individuals and families with the right tools to get through the current emergency.

The show, which will screen on RTÉ One in April, will offer tips on meal planning and weekly shops, exercise routines and maintaining mental health, all of which will be made available online after the fact.

Four households will be featured, with unmanned cameras tracking their progress.

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