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13th Nov 2018

Podge and Rodge were back to their best on Monday night with Kerry Katona and James Kavanagh

Alan Loughnane

Welcome back, fellas.

Pádraig Judas O’Leprosy and Rodraig Spartacus O’Leprosy began life on The Den, all the way back in 1990. But seven years later, they were given their own show, the now infamous and filthy, and let’s be honest, quite funny, Scare at Bedtime.

After an eight-year hiatus, their return has not been plain sailing, with critics not being overly kind to them at various points, but after such an absence, it was always going to take a while to work out the kinks, and it seems like Monday night’s episode may have been a good step in the right direction.

This week on the show, Kerry Katona and James Kavanagh paid a visit to Ballydung Manor, while music was provided by Longford band Cronin.

We’re not sure they fully knew what they were letting themselves in for…

“Feckin’ McFadden”…

No one was safe as James Kavanagh felt the wrath the of the two lads…

But things got a little weird as well…

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge