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04th Sep 2021

Rick and Morty reveals live-action Christopher Lloyd promo

Kieran Galpin

Rick and Morty just got human faces.

Adult Swim has released a never-before-seen promo showing a live-action version of Rick and Morty featuring none other than Back to the Future’s Christopher Lloyd.

A short clip released on Twitter on 3 September shows Lloyd take up the Sanchez mantle alongside his grandson Morty, portrayed here by Knives Out and It actor Jaeden Martell. Funnily enough, Rick Sanchez was originally based on Doc from the Back to the Future trilogy.

The two actors are seen hopping out of a portal in a real-life replica of Rick’s garage, but no one knows what this means for the future of the franchise.

The video’s caption reads ‘C-132’ which could suggest this is another universe in the Rick and Morty world. So could this live-action shot just be a cameo? Is the next season fully live-action? Well, your guess is as good as anyone’s right now.

“I don’t follow it closely, but I’ve seen a few episodes and I gotta tell you, I think it’s a lot of fun. I know it’s some kind of parody of Doc and Marty,” Lloyd told the Phoenix Times in 2018.

“I’d like to, of course. I think it’s really fun,” he said when asked if he’d like to join the show.

With over 156k likes, this teaser has clearly got the fans talking, here’s what they had to say.


“There’s something always cool and fun about seeing a series that started as a parody inspired by one thing come full circle” tweeted another.

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