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Movies & TV

15th Jun 2015

Survey reveals how many Irish people would rather watch TV box sets than spend time with their partner

10 episodes in one go, sure why not?


The ultimate guilty pleasure…

It’s official, box set binges are big business according to a recent survey* which has revealed that 1 in 4 people watch a whopping 5 hours of a box set in one sitting.

Box sets have become a favourite in many households, with 1 in 4 people choosing to watch a box set over spending romantic time with their partner and 1 in 10 choosing the small screen over spending time with their children –who are probably watching box sets anyway!


A massive 42% admitted to being sleep deprived from staying up late to watch more of their favourite characters continue their haphazard existences and 48% revealed they google a box set mentioned in conversation to stay “in the know”.

Of course, with every box set comes the eventual close and 52% say they go into a state of mourning when their beloved box set finishes up.

Anyone who has found themselves addicted to a series can understand this, it’s an emotional experience saying goodbye to your fictional box set friends, but remember there are plenty more to choose from!

Key findings

  • 1 in 10 respondents have chosen watching a box set over time with their kids
  • 1 in 4 have chosen or would choose watching a box set over private ‘romantic time’ with their partner.
  • Nearly half (42%)say they have felt sleep deprived as a result of staying up watching box sets
  • 34% say they have felt left out when others are talking about the latest box set series and they couldn’t join in the conversation
  • 17% said they’d lie to pretend they were up to speed with a series if others were chatting about it while 48% would Google the box set in question immediately
  • 16% would go home and watch the box set straight away to be able to join in the conversation
  • 25% (one in four) have watched 5 box sets episodes in one sitting
  • 24% have stayed up 3-4 hours later than their usual bedtime to watch a box set
  • Over half of Irish people (52%) say that they go into a state of mourning after finishing a box set

*Survey conducted by Sky Ireland with 1,000 participants. For more information on Sky Ireland’s deals on HD and box sets, click here.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge


Box Sets,TV