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Movies & TV

20th Oct 2014

Video: Wall-E as directed by Christopher Nolan is absolutely out of this world

This is the best visual and sound editing that we've seen in a long time...

Paul Moore

This is the best visual and sound editing that we’ve seen in a long time…

Let’s get the fanboy geeky facts out of the way first. We absolutely love the films of Christopher Nolan and we defy anyone not to feel the same way about Pixar’s classic ecological masterpiece Wall-E.

Much like the countdown to the launch of the spaceship in Nolan’s next film Interstellar, we haven’t seen it but it’s unlikely that they’ll just say ‘Hey, let’s take off whenever we feel like it’, JOE is counting the seconds until the release of the newest film from The Dark Knight director.

We’ve already brought you the latest trailer and the TV spot but this mash up of Nolan’s next release with the Oscar winning animated classic is incredibly good.

The films do have a lot of common traits it seems, for example; no signs of life on a planet, epic shots of barren wastelands, sleekly designed spaceships, images of space shuttles breaking the earth’s atmosphere and an an isolated main character looking on in wonder.

All we need now is for Matthew McConaughey to use a spork and they’ll be exactly the same film. Right?

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge