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Movies & TV

22nd Jun 2018

The Vikings TV series is looking for ‘thousands’ of extras in Ireland for paid work

Tony Cuddihy

Fancy taking part in the massively popular TV series Vikings and getting paid for the privilege?

Producers of Vikings are looking for people all over Ireland to join them as extras for the latest series of the show, which will begin filming in July 2018.

The casting calls – which apply to all people over the age of 17 in Ireland – will take place next week in both Dublin and Wicklow at the following locations…

The Grand Hotel, Abbey St, Wicklow Town

Wednesday 27th June 2018 anytime between 10.00am – 5.30pm


THE COMPLEX, 10-14 Little Mary Street, Dublin 7 (Between Capel Street & Smithfield Markets)

Saturday 30th June 2018 anytime between 09.00am -5.30pm

The following guidelines have also been issued for anyone hoping to apply:

– You should LIVE LOCALLY (IRELAND) to be considered & have a work visa/pps number!

– This is mainly for adults aged 17yrs +

– It is for people from ALL ETHNIC, RELIGIOUS BACKGROUNDS NATIONALITIES & HERITAGE. Some of the examples being White/European, African, North African, Caribbean, Slavic, Middle Eastern, Central & South East Asian, Mediterranean, South American and more, IT IS INCLUSIVE OF EVERYONE!

– You DO NOT need an appointment and can turn up anytime between the hours stated

– You only need to attend one of the days to apply

– You will be asked to fill out an application form, which we will give you upon arrival

– We will take a photo of each person when there after you fill out the application form

– Please only attend if you wish to apply, time is limited and we want to give everyone genuinely wishing to apply a chance.

– You will be asked to leave if you are just hanging out with friends!

– The process will only take about 20x mins when you get into the venue

-You need to be a full time resident and living in Ireland with a working visa and PPS number .

-We will not call anyone from outside of Ireland so please DO NOT travel to our open casting if you DO NOT FIT THE CRITERIA!

– We will be filming mostly in the Dublin and Wicklow areas

– When we call for work/fittings, notice can sometimes be very short so availability should be good

– Please be prepared and arrive with knowledge of your measurements e.g. your Height, Chest, Dress, Shoe sizes etc. as you will be asked to put all these details on the application form

– You do not need to bring an additional CV or Headshots along, but we will accept them if you wish

– In terms of specific skills or appearances we are after, there are so many, but here are some examples…Fishermen, Carpenters, Craftspeople, Farmworkers, Axe Men/Women, Skilled swords people, M&F Archers, Bowmen & Women, M&F Rowers, M&F Sailors, Ship hands & Deckhands, Calligraphers, Latin Speakers, Arab Speakers, Greek Speakers, Musicians, Midwives, Nurses, Animal Handlers, Hunters, Blacksmiths, Lumber Jacks, Magicians, Jugglers, Males with ALL TYPES & STYLES of haircuts. All Sporty types, Martial Artists, Boxers, No visible tattoos, Women with all lengths of naturally coloured hair, all men prepared to grow hair and beards. This is far from a definitive list but it gives you an idea of how broad our search is so have a think beforehand and bring as much information about yourself as you can

– Remember, THIS IS NOT A DEFINITIVE LIST OF APPEARANCES, SKILLS OR HAIRSTYLES, we wish to see all types of adults!

– Filming will begin July 2018

– All jobs are casual/temporary

– If you arrive late to the open casting we cannot permit entry as we have only hired the venues out for a set amount of hours and need to vacate the premises at said times

– If selected we may call people anytime between now and end of filming

– When called, we will discuss dates of filming and rates of pay with people and ask you to come out to the studio for fittings before your 1st day of filming

– To give yourself a better chance. Please fill out the application forms fully and correctly, include name, telephone numbers etc!

– We will arrange a chance for kids to apply separately at a later date

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge