If we’re honest, we have absolutely no clue what this guy is doing
Perhaps he’s trying to start a new trend, like the Mexican wave, or maybe he’s just an individual and wanted to stand out from the crowd. Either way, we love this new and very bizarre way of celebrating when your team scores.
LSU got their second touchdown right before halftime in the big game against Alabama yesterday, and while the rest of the crowd took to clapping, hootin’ & hollerin’ or dishing out the odd high five (‘MERICA!), one particular fan started doing his best impression of a dinosaur.
The final socre was 17-38 in favour of Alabam however, so he might not have been dinosauring his way home after the game, unfortunately.
Hat tip to Bleacher Report for the GIF
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We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.
Tickets are on sale from Friday 31st Jan at €29.90 each and available on Ticketmaster.