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24th Oct 2014

Video: Impact Gumshields tests one of their products against an MMA fighter

If you play contact sports, the chances are you need a gumshield to protect those pearly whites of yours…

Alan Loughnane

If you play contact sports, the chances are you need a gumshield to protect those pearly whites of yours…

Impact Gumshields are synonymous with creating clever advertising for their products such as these ones involving Jonny Cooper and Ian Madigan, and they have done it again with this great effort.

They want to ensure that you keep all of your ‘chompers’ firmly inside of your mouth and have created a gumshield to ensure you don’t end up with about as much teeth as Gummy Joe from the Simpsons.


So the lads over at Impact Gumshields decided to test what happens when you get punched by an MMA fighter while wearing one of their products.

Take a look below to find out…

To answer the question above… they are great for getting hit in the face, but not very effective when getting punched in the stomach. Ouch…

Video via Impact Gumshields.