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19th Aug 2013

Computer expert hacks into Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Facebook page to highlight security issues

Something tells us that they might be taking his complaints seriously now...

Eoghan Doherty

Sick and tired of Facebook not replying to your concerns about security issues?

Well one Palestinian computer expert has the perfect solution. Simply hack into Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s personal account to make sure you really get his attention.

According to a report in the Daily Mail, a Palestinian hacker found a glitch in the social media system that allowed him to post on a stranger’s wall but, after failing to get a response from the Facebook powers that be through conventional methods, he decided to get directly in touch with the top man himself and posted on Mark Zuckerberg’s wall.

Pictured: Only your friends are supposed to be able to write on your Facebook wall, but using the glitch he found, Shreateh wrote about the issue on CEO and founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg's wall

The hacker in question, Khalil Shreateh, was contacted in record quick time as a Facebook security team demanded to know how he had hacked the CEO’s personal page.

This JOE’s no computer expert but we’re pretty sure it had something to with pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete. 60 per cent of the time, that works every time.

Instead of thanking Shreateh for bringing the fault to their attention though, Facebook have since claimed that there wasn’t a bug in the system. To add insult to injury, because of the particular method that the hacker resorted to to highlight the issue, Facebook denied him the $500 reward that is usually given to programmers who report weaknesses in the site’s security.

It’s not as if they’re stuck for cash…

Although Facebook have responded quite sternly to Shreateah, we can’t help but think that fellow ex-hacker and computer geek supremo Zuckerberg was probably fighting the temptation to hit the ‘like’ button in admiration of the hacked post.

Check out how he did it with his YouTube video below:

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