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31st Jan 2019

A French teenager has been jailed after he ‘bought’ a PlayStation 4 for under £10

Rudi Kinsella

He scanned the PS4 as various pieces of fruit and veg.

Have you ever walked out of the shop and quickly realised that you had something in your hand that you hadn’t paid for?

Normally it’s something insignificant like a chocolate bar or something, and you turn around to correct your mistake.

But in the world of self-scanning tills, it can all get a little bit confusing.

Although, this French teenager was not confused at all – he was tactical.

A 19-year-old weighed a €340 Playstation 4 on the fruit and vegetable scales, giving the console a price tag of €9.29.

A genius move, or the work of a hardened criminal?

According French news site The Local, the incident occurred in the French city of Montbéliard in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region in eastern France back in September of 2018.

He then attempted to repeat the trick again just one day later, but the young man was caught red handed.

The 19-year-old told the French police that he sold the first Playstation for €100 and on January 24th he was sentenced to four months in prison.

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