Mixing the audio from the Gift Grub sketch with some video of Soccer Saturday has made this sketch even better
Earlier on today we saw both the official confirmation that Sky Sports were going to be showing the Championship this summer, and the brilliant Gift Grub parody of that fact, but the lads from What’s on in Achill have gone the extra yard and added in some video to make this sketch that bit better.
They clearly have a lot of time on their hands, and although it’s a rough cut, the idea behind it is absolutely fantastic, grabbing some footage of Jeff, Merse and the boys reacting in their typically over the top fashion, with Mario Rosenstock’s impressions making up the audio track over the top.
All we need now is for the lads of Après Match to have a go at it and we’re laughing, literally.
Hat-tip to the lads at GAA Banter for the video