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24th Apr 2013

Dublin Airport to Dublin city centre is one of the most expensive taxi fares in the world

According to new statistics, the journey from Dublin Airport to Dublin city centre is one of the most expensive in the world. Are you surprised?

Oisin Collins

According to new statistics, the journey from Dublin Airport to Dublin city centre is one of the most expensive in the world. Are you surprised?

The 14km (8 and 1/2 mile) trip from Dublin Airport to the city centre should cost you roughly €25 euro, which might not seem too bad to some but according to a new world survey based on the cost per mile, it’s the 12th most expensive fare in the world.

The most expensive fare in the world, according to the currency exchange company Moneycorp, is in Copenhagen where a five-mile journey from the airport to the city centre costs an average of €40.04 or €8.60 per mile. In fairness, your driver probably has to fight off ravenous moose and polar bears along the way.

The reason behind the research was to see where is the most expensive taxi journey from the city’s leading airport right into the city centre. The cheapest airport to city centre fares can be found in Delhi’s Indira Ghandi International and Thailand’s Suvernabhumi airports, but sure everything is as cheap as chips in those places.

Here’s a look at the top fifteen most expensive airport to city centre fares in the world:

1 Copenhagen, Denmark
2 Geneva, Switzerland
3 Tokyo, Japan
4 Brussels, Belgium
5 Amsterdam, Holland
6 Barcelona, Spain
7 Paris, France
8 Melbourne, Australia
9 Lisbon, Portugal
10 New York, USA
11 Milan, Italy
12 Dublin, Ireland
13 Athens, Greece
14 San Francisco, USA
15 Munich, Germany
