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09th May 2013

Dude, where’s my snake? Six-foot boa constrictor stolen in Meath

A thief in Meath saw a six-foot albino boa constrictor in a Duleek house and decided to take that too…


A thief in Meath saw a six-foot albino boa constrictor in a Duleek house and decided to take that too…

If you are out over the weekend and someone offers to sell you a second-hand snake get in touch with the Gardai. A six-foot long albino boa constrictor called Jenga has gone missing from a house in Meath and the owners are convinced that their beloved pet didn’t escape and that it was in fact stolen.

The Irish Times carry quotes from owners Joanna Lynch and Darren Ryan, who are obviously upset.

Darren said: “To take a family pet is the lowest of the low. I wouldn’t mind if they took the car radio or something like that but don’t take a live animal.”

Joanna said: We just want her back. There will be no questions asked and there is a reward.”

The worry for the owners is that Jenga was stolen from a heated tank and if she is not kept warm enough, she could die.

Whoever did it is lower than the proverbial snake’s belly. If you have any info, please contact the Gardai.
