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25th Apr 2013

Forget the computer sales, anyone for the one million dollar laptop?

For anyone with a few quid to spare you may be interested to know that the world’s most expensive laptop can be yours for $1 million courtesy of Luvaglio.


For anyone with a few quid to spare you may be interested to know that the world’s most expensive laptop can be yours for $1 million courtesy of Luvaglio.

By Declan Whooley

The London-based luxury manufacturer has designed the laptop – it doesn’t even have a special name – with the intention of combining luxury and functionality. That they seem to achieved in spades.

We are told the customised product can feature diamond-encrusted keys and top-of-the-line materials. Instead of choosing the trim or colour you want, you can choose which precious stones you want to have on the laptop. It also comes with a 17” LED widescreen with anti-reflective glare, 128GB disk space, Blue-Ray drive and a built-in USB memory stick, but that stuff isn’t quite so exciting.

Pic credit: Luvaglio

For that kind of wedge we would expect the laptop to sing and dance, but from what we can gather that is not part of the feature range.

Don’t expect to see this gem (see what we did there?) of a laptop in your Argos catalogue anytime soon.
