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02nd May 2010

Hair dilemmas: Applying product puts your hair-related dramas to the experts. This week Eoin Wright - stylist, trichologist and Wella Professionals Alchemy Club member - tackles product application.

JOE understands that you can sometimes find yourself with a traumatic hair-related issue you just can’t figure out how to resolve. Well, now you can send us your hair dramas and we will ask the experts for you. Send your questions in to [email protected]

Question: What is the best way to go about applying a hair product?

“Guys now more than ever are aware of their image and are under as much pressure from ‘the fashion magazine culture’ as anyone would be. Being given a hard time is part of being a lad but all the boys are in competition with each other just the same.

“Whether you blow dry or towel dry your hair will depend on the look you are going for and the product you plan to use. Once the Hair is properly towel dried you can apply most products. However, if you want that volumised, strong look then it is better to blast dry your hair first.

“As with most products less is more on each application. Start off with a small amount in the palm of your hand, rub it into your hands and then into your hair, all over evenly. Have a look at it and if you feel it needs some more, go for it again. Sometimes it may take a third go but that is better than having to wash your hair and start again because you put in too much.

“I would choose clays over gel anytime. I love Wella Professionals Texture Touch in particular as you have more flexibility to change your style.

“In general guys, a little bit of TLC goes a long way with hair. Ask your stylists advice and don’t be afraid of change – one haircut can have a lot of different looks depending on the products you use… so use them!”

Eoin Wright is a trichologist and Wella Professionals Alchemy Club member. He is currently making people look far better than they have any right to in Dublin’s exclusive Foundation Salon. For more information visit:
