One brave JOE is on the quest for love through online dating with a difference, with the help of the good folks at
Last week I went on a date with Emma, who ticked almost all the boxes on my preference list. We got on like a house on fire, but I wanted to give the process a full run through so I decided to go for the third of my five dates to see what it was like.
This time, the guys and girls at set me up with Melissa, who was a perfect match on paper, she was even blonde!
Melissa was a really lovely girl, and we had plenty in common, but if I’m honest, I couldn’t stop thinking about how great Emma was and spent the whole time comparing Melissa to her.
I think in the end we both knew that there wasn’t going to be a second date between us, but we still had a great time and it wasn’t awkward at all. We even swapped numbers so that we could set up our two other single friends.
The guys in the office called to see how I got on and asked me if I wanted to request Melissa’s number, but I was honest with them and said I wanted to see what would happen with Emma.
They were more than happy to pause my membership and let me take a step back in the process, which has been the real difference with any other service that I tried. Intro really listen to what you want and the experience so far has been fantastic.
One thing that stands out for me is that they don’t pass on numbers, so I’m not stuck trying to build up the courage to make a phonecall to someone I’ve never met, and I don’t get hounded by calls from someone I’m not interested in meeting again.
Obviously meeting people through Intro is less nerve racking simply because I don’t have to head out to a pub and try to talk to someone that I don’t know. Intro also meet everyone beforehand, so you don’t get someone who is completely different to their profile either, it makes you feel much more assured that you know what you’re getting yourself in to.
It’s also handy that there’s no danger of my mates or the people in work finding my profile online, no one knows about it but myself and the staff, so no need to worry about getting a slagging the next time I show up to the 5-a-side with the lads.
It’s more direct than the previous services I’ve used, but that’s what I’m looking for. There’s no messaging, and no messing about, so if you’re looking for a relationship instead of a one night stand, is the right place to go.
Names have been changed to protect identities.
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