When you think mystery solving comedy cartoon duo, the first thought in your head is Mike Tyson with a talking pigeon, right?
By Adrian Collins
Cartoon Network in the United States is known for their famous Adult Swim section that goes on air of an evening with shows that are geared towards a more mature audience than the regular cartoons.
Recently, they announced their line-up for the new season, and amongst the six new shows, there was one stand out addition: Mike Tyson Mysteries.
According to the folks at Variety, Iron Mike will solve mysteries with the help of his magical face tattoo and a “fowl-mouthed” talking pigeon.
Needless to say, we’re picturing a Scooby Doo-style show where the mysterious ghost always turns out to be the fairground worker or janitor at the school.
It will be a real coo if they can pull this show off, and yet another feather in the cap of Mike Tyson, after the success of his one man show recently Undisputed Truth.
If you ask us, this sounds like one of the greatest ideas that the floating brains in control of TV have ever come up with, and we simply can’t wait for it.