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15th Apr 2013

Online shopping: What’s not to like?

You don’t have to get off the couch and you don’t have to spend all day hanging around outside shops waiting on the missus. What’s not to like about online shopping?


You don’t have to get off the couch and you don’t have to spend all day hanging around outside shops waiting on the missus. What’s not to like about online shopping?

What is there to like about online shopping? The question should be, what’s not to like about it?

The prospect of spending an entire day moving from one shop to the next being weighed down by bags and having to deal with queues, scary fellow customers and quite often the weather may have thrilled women for generations but it has generated actual fear amongst a significant percentage of menfolk worldwide for years.

For some, nay, a lot of men, shopping days were limited solely to one day at Christmas, one day to get something for the missus for her birthday and one day to sort out their entire year’s wardrobe in one fell swoop.

Now, the majority of us lads are in tune with the latest fashion trends, we have all the gadgets our geeky hearts desire and our music and DVD collections are right up to date. Why? Because we can get them all with a few clicks of a mouse.

There are also the added benefits of a wider variety of stock available compared to almost all retail outlets, while you don’t have to look very hard to find some discounts to avail of either. So yeah, online shopping is tops as far as we’re concerned.

The few downsides there are mainly concern the delivery aspect, but thankfully Parcel Motel have most of those bases covered.

Firstly, there’s the cost. When we order from Ireland, we don’t get the free delivery inside the UK, which slaps another four or five quid on the order and negates the discount we went online to get in the first place.

Next, there’s the fact that most parcels don’t fit through the door or into a mail box, so we end up having to find time during the day to get to the post office and collect it anyway.

With Parcel Motel from Nightline however, both of those worries are now a thing of the past as you can send your online shopping to a safe and secure Parcel Motel location across the country which can be accessed at any time of the day or night, wherever and whenever suits you.

You can also choose for the goods to be sent to Parcel Motel’s registered address in Belfast, meaning you still get that free delivery they get in the rest of the UK and the parcel is delivered to whichever Parcel Motel location you choose.

If you’re ordering from within Ireland, then you can choose Parcel Motel’s Finglas address, and avoid any additional costs that way too. Sorted.

For more information on the Parcel Motel locations you can pick your online deliveries in Dublin and throughout the rest of Ireland, click here.
