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03rd Apr 2013

Pic: Mario Balotelli’s new boots are something else

AC Milan might not be playing tonight, but Mario Balotelli has made a hell of bid to grab the headlines with his new boots.


AC Milan might not be playing tonight, but Mario Balotelli has made a hell of bid to grab the headlines with his new boots.

Since he left the Premier League for AC Milan we have been desperately low on Mad Mario Balotelli stories. He’s been scoring loads of goals, which is his job after all, but we miss the almost daily drip feed of crazy that the Machester-based Mario gave us.

Well today the Milan version gave us a real treat as what is alleged to be a picture of his new boots hit the internet via an ESPN journo.

A stunt to promote the new Man Of Steel movie? A continuation of Mario’s well known love of camouflage? A late April Fool joke? Just a complete hoax? Who knows when it comes to Super Mario but we have no doubt we will see versions of these in our Astro League real soon.
