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21st Apr 2013

Pic: Technology really has come a long way in 20 years

It can be easy to forget just how far modern technology has come in 20 years, which is why this picture really brings it all home.


It can be easy to forget just how far modern technology has come in 20 years, which is why this picture really brings it all home.

By Declan Whooley

SciencePorn is well worth a follow on Twitter, posting up some really interesting facts and pictures and is edging closer to half a million followers, so we’re many others are of the same opinion.

They contrasted the different devices we used 20 years ago, from the clunky mobile, to the Walkman to  avideo recorder to the smart phone that is used today. Not only does it highlight such progress, it will also bring back memories of waiting for photos to develop, the nightmare of recording over what you wanted and the joy of cassette tapes.

Pic credit: Twitter/@SciencePorn

A nice trip down memory lane, but at the same time, we are very glad of the progress.
