One Irishman from Wicklow thinks his pub shed is good enough to win ‘Shed of the Year 2013’. Check it out and give him your vote!
For most of us, the shed is just somewhere to feck the bikes and lawnmower when they’re not being used, but for others the shed is an unofficial man hut located at the end of the garden. One such man hut, belonging to Conor Keatings, is vying to become the Shed of the Year 2013 as voted for by readers.
Conor calls his shed ‘The Monkey Bar’ and according to the man himself, ‘It’s the smallest pub in Ireland’. We’re sure there’s a few people who’d argue the toss there (on a legality standpoint) but judging by the pics below, it’s not far off.
Here’s what Conor says on the website: “Has a proper bar, regulation dart board, vintage tin signs and bar stools.
“It’s a 12 x 8 timber shed from Atwood that was gathering junk for 8 years. I finally got it cleared and a carpenter friend of mine built in bar and shelves in plywood and it has evolved from there.
“My wife made the curtains and I bought old lamps and liquidated bar furniture.” It’s a pretty nifty shed/pub and it seems like a great place to go for a few scoops, seeing as the walk home wouldn’t be that bad – for Conor, that is.
You can give your fellow Irishman a hand by voting for his shed over on the website by clicking here.
Voting closes at midnight (GMT) on 31st May 2013, and the Winning shed will be announced during Shed week on 1st July 2013.
Hat tip to Dee O’Brien for sending this our way…