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16th Apr 2013

Picture: Former NFL player helps victims at Boston Marathon

Three-time Super Bowl winning lineman Joe Andruzzi was on hand to help those wounded by the explosions in Boston yesterday.


Three-time Super Bowl winning lineman Joe Andruzzi was on hand to help those wounded by the explosions in Boston yesterday.

By Adrian Collins

Former New England Patriots lineman Joe Andruzzi is pictured here helping victims after the terrible scenes witnessed in Boston yesterday.

Andruzzi has a cancer foundation that was playing a big part in the marathon by supporting many of the runners, which is why he was at the event.

His brothers were also firemen in New York on September 11th, one of whom made it out of the South Tower mere moments before it collapsed, and his father is also a former New York City police officer.

Hat-tip to the lads at Deadspin for the picture.
