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22nd Apr 2013

Picture: Local council build road on Norwegian club’s pitch without even telling them

You thought your local pitch was bad? At least your club doesn’t have to deal with having a new road running through the playing surface.

Conor Heneghan

You thought your local pitch was bad? At least your club doesn’t have to deal with having a new road running through the playing surface.

Due to the quite frankly rubbish and unseasonal (actually, who are we kidding?) weather we’ve been having lately, there are a number of pitches throughout Ireland in a fairly wretched state at the moment and not really conducive to playing sport of any kind.

Exhibit A: Check out the state of the Cordal GAA pitch in Kerry last week.

Still, while those affected by poor playing pitches have a right to voice their concerns, they can thank their lucky stars that they haven’t suffered the same fate as poor Norwegian regional side Ny Krohnborg IL, who returned from their off-season lately to find that a local council had built a road which runs through their pitch.

Pic via Magne Turøy/

As you’ll see from the picture above, the road, which is a supply road between a psychiatric hospital on the Helse Bergen University and a nearby bypass, has caused a fairly significant obstacle on the pitch and needless to say the club aren’t too pleased about it considering they weren’t even informed that it was going to be built in the first place.

“We were quite shocked when we discovered that the road cut [into the pitch],” Krohnborg chairman Radney Thomsen told Norwegian website BA.

“The start of the season is just around the corner, but no-one had informed us. We feel simply run over.

“It’s downright scary that the various sports clubs that use the pitch have not been told. They have “forgotten” to give notice for the second time in three years. This is not good enough.”

While we’re not sure if Thomsen’s use of driving-related puns – ‘just around the corner’, ‘we feel simply run over’ – were intentional, he certainly has a point and even if the road had to be built they could have had the courtesy to tell the club they were going to do it in the first place.

Finding a new pitch to play on will now overtake everything else on Krohnborg’s list of priorities, lest their season becomes akin to a car crash before it even gets motoring in the first place.

Hat-tip: Who Ate All the Pies
