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14th May 2013

Sky News Twitter account on receiving end of gentlest ‘hack’ ever

More of an opportunistic bit of Twitter hijacking than a hack we suspect, but still very funny.


More of an opportunistic bit of Twitter hijacking than a hack we suspect, but still very funny.

As you might imagine, the Sky News Newsdesk Twitter account (@SkyNewsBreak) is very popular with over 900,000 followers.

And today, in among all the other breaking news stories, this tweet appeared.

The jokes have already started, with @Arseblog suggesting that Colin Wazir is the next Manchester City boss. Nicely played sir.

After just 10 minutes the tweet was still there and had received over 4,500 retweets and 1,200 favourites. We suspect somebody just left their Tweetdeck open in the wrong place more so than a hack but we will be definitely keeping an eye on the account just in case…
