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25th Apr 2013

Three Irish lads in the running for ‘Best Jobs in the World’

Looking at the weather today any job in Australia looks pretty good but three Irish lads are in the hunt for six super jobs Down Under.


Looking at the weather today any job in Australia looks pretty good but three Irish lads are in the hunt for six super jobs Down Under.

You have to hand it to the Aussies, they know how to get some high quality publicity. A few years back they launched a hunt for somebody to fill the ‘Best Job in the World’, essentially an ad for the Great Barrier Reef as they looked for, and hired an ‘island caretaker’.

Now they are back with six ‘Best Jobs in the World’ on offer and each post is down to the final 25 candidates, of which three are Irish. Of course.

Over 300,000 applied for one of the following gigs; outback adventurer, taste master, lifestyle photographer, chief funster, park ranger and wildlife caretaker.

The three Irish lads are Allan Dixon, Richard Cullen and Heber Hanley. Richard and Herber are in the hunt for the lifestyle photographer job and Allan is in the race for the outback adventurer post.

That will involve spending six months touring around in the north west of Oz, with a wedge of $100,000AUD as well.

While we don’t want to see any more lads leave Ireland, we wish the three boys all the best in their quest. The lucky sods…
