Thanks to the evolution of technology, there’s no need to use your hands to tweet anymore, so long as you’ve got Google Glass.
By Adrian Collins
Have you ever been in the middle of a tweet and thought “this is too tiring, I wish I didn’t have to use my hands”? Well, there is finally a solution to your first world problem through Google Glass.
If you’ve got the spare cash to flash on Google Glass, you can tweet out pictures and probably more, just like Twitter user Shivster Muddler did recently.
That account and tweet have since been deleted, but according to the good folks at Mashable this looks like something that would be likely since one of Twitter’s main investors John Doerr did hint at the fact they may work on an app for Glass in the past.
That said, this could all be a big tech-nerd fake mock up, so don’t get your hopes up just yet.