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14th May 2013

Video: Baseball player slams into wall trying to catch ball, needs 11 stitches

The Washington Nationals youngster Bryce Harper forgot what the warning track is there for.


The Washington Nationals youngster Bryce Harper forgot what the warning track is there for.

Baseball may be largely ignored, or derided, here but it is a great game that often produces fantastic moments of skill, athleticism and technique.

Sadly, this clip of Washington Nationals outfielder Bryce Harper contains none of these. Playing the LA Dodgers in LA last night an AJ Ellis drive was headed towards the wall and Harper scampered after it.

However, when Harper hit the bit of dirt around the edge called the warning track he didn’t heed the warning and ran straight into the electronic scoreboard.

Initial reports suggested Harper had suffered concussion but instead, it was just 11 stitches to a head wound and lots of embarrassment.

Perhaps the Dodgers could do more to make that bit of their wall a bit less damaging but you can’t legislate for a guy running into a wall of his free will either.
