Just in case you were having a good Friday, here’s a video of a bunch of millionaires driving their free cars around
It must be tough to be a professional footballer, you get paid loads of money, you’re adored by millions of people and you have to play football every day. Sounds ghastly alright, but can you imagine that you also get free cars on top of that? We know, the horror.
In honour of this year being the tenth in the partnership between Real Madrid and Audi, the squad headed out to the Hipódromo de la Zarzuela in Moncoloa, Madrid where they caught a spot of horseracing, and then took the cars on to the course to see how they handled.
Cristiano Ronaldo looked to be pretty handy behind the wheel, as did Gareth Bale and Sergio Ramos, and at the end they all went home with a free car. What a great day out for the lads. JOEs invite must be in the post still…