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02nd Apr 2013

Video: Remember lads, don’t drink while boating or you could end up like this guy

Looks like someone forgot to tell these guys that it's not a good idea to go drinking and boating.

Oisin Collins

Looks like someone forgot to tell these guys that it’s not a good idea to go drinking and boating.

Some people think that having a few brewskies on  a boat is no big deal, because there’s nothing (or little to nothing) coming the other way, so it’s not as if you’re going to crash. While that might be true, it’s certainly no fun falling over into water when you’re hammered.

That’s exactly what happens to this lad who shouts to the guys in the boat behind asking for a beer. He gets the beer he was looking for, but sadly, it hits him square in the face, knocking him overboard.

While we did find this absolutely hilarious, he could have very easily been injured, or killed, if the boat he was towing was going any faster.

Here’s what the uploader, Dane Steube, says on YouTube: “Drunk man towing us takes beer in face and goes overboard in 40° water… Don’t worry we saved him.”
