We’re just waiting for a flag to appear in outer Mongolia and then there won’t be a place on Earth that hasn’t been affected by the rampaging Mayo for Sam bandwagon.
Supporters of the Clare hurlers have given them a run for their money this week but we honestly don’t think we’ve seen such a concerted and unrelenting campaign of support behind a county GAA team as there has been with the Mayo footballers this year.
Such is the amount of Mayo related material we get sent via Twitter, Facebook and other channels that we have had to apply a filter of late but we thought this latest effort worthy of greater exposure having come across it thanks to Terry Reilly of the Irish Examiner, on whose Twitter account we also spotted one Mayo fan’s attempt to secure an All-Ireland Final ticket though a Lonely Hearts column.
The video above shows a class of Ugandan schoolchildren singing the famous Saw Doctors anthem The Green and Red of Mayo, an incredibly popular number amongst Mayo fans and one that has been played at Croke Park following their most recent victories.
The teacher leading them in song is Aoife McGuinness and although the song is sung at a slower pace than what those familiar with it will be used to, it’s not a bad attempt at all and a lot more coherent than what you’re likely to hear from a lot of Mayo supporters if they do go all the way on September 22.
Nice work.
Video via YouTube/Aoife McGuinness