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01st Jan 2019

The 11 most anticipated games of 2019

Rory Cashin

Combined, they’ll make sure there is no need to see any of your friends or family for the next year.

2018 was a pretty fantastic year for video games, with some all-time classics released in the last 12 months (our best of the year can be found right here), but if the early look at next year’s line up is anything to go by, it looks like 2019 could be even better!


Release Date: 25 January

One of the most-loved horror games of all time is getting a massive update for modern consoles, and it looks like they’ve done an amazing job with it.

Time to return to Racoon City…

Clip via PlayStation


Release Date: 25 January

14 years of waiting is finally coming to an end!

Clip via Kingdom Hearts

ANTHEM (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: 22 February

The folks behind Mass Effect Andromeda are coming back with a big swing, mixing the open-world action of Destiny 2 with the team-building of The Division, except it is set in space and you’ve got jet packs.

General rule of thumb – everything can be improved with jet packs.

Clip via Anthem Game

DEVIL MAY CRY 5 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: 8 March

DMC4 brought the series in a very unexpected direction.

DMC5 looks to continue that trend with the addition of even more new playable characters.

Change is good. Especially when it involves weapons that blast demons straight back to hell.

Clip via IGN


Release Date: 15 March

Swapping out New York for Washington D.C., you’re back as an agent attempting to stop a series of gangs from taking over a disease-ravaged American city.

The goal is to match the scope and scale of the original with some gameplay that is a little more fun and re-playable.

Fingers crossed they got the mix just right this time.

Clip via GameSpot


Release Date: 26 April

One part World War Z. One part The Walking Dead. One part Sons Of Anarchy. One part The Last Of Us.

Lots of parts, and we hope they add up to something very special…

Clip via PlayStation Europe

RAGE 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: TBC

We previously spoke to the folks behind Rage 2 (check out that full conversation right here), and the one thing we took away from the early gameplay we got our hands on was just how fun this game is going to be.

Plus, how much like Mad Max: Fury Road it seemed, which is one of the best compliments we can think of giving.

SKULL & BONES (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: TBC

Some of the best bits of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag and Odyssey involved getting on the boats and engaging in some naval warfare.

And so the makers of the AC series made the smart decision to base a game entirely on those bits, where you get to play a kick-ass pirate all the way through!

Clip via Ubisoft North America


Release Date: TBC

The maker of Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid teaming up with Guillermo Del Toro for a story that looks… we’re not even sure we know how to describe what we’re seeing.

All we know is that it will be completely unlike anything else we’ve ever played before.

Clip via GameTrailers

CYBERPUNK 2077 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Release Date: TBC

An epic sci-fi action thriller from the folks behind the hugely successful The Witcher series.

It looks like someone watched Blade Runner 2049 and decided to let us play in that intensely violent but beautiful world.

We’re 100% here for it.

Clip via Cyberpunk 2077


Release Date: TBC

The sequel to one of the greatest games ever made.

The first trailers already have us completely drooling at what might be, but we won’t be 100% surprised if it winds up being Christmas-time before it gets a release.

Clip via PlayStation