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06th Oct 2015

10 reasons why weekday drinks are a thing of beauty


Paul Moore


The weekend may be over but that’s no reason to lock yourself at home and turn into an isolated social hermit that just stares out of the window as your neighbours pass by.

Maybe that’s just me?

Bart Window

There’s no bad time to go to the pub and here are a few reasons why weekday pints can be even better than a few drinks over the weekend.

As always, if you’re heading down to your local then please be responsible because nobody likes a loud and obnoxious drunk.

Drunk Train

1) Nobody wants to think about work.

Yes, times are difficult and I’m sure that everyone in employment is absolutely delighted to be so but we still all need something to look forward to.

Truth be told, when I step into work on a Monday morning, I’d much rather think about finishing off a pint of Guinness than a dull spreadsheet.

If you’ve made plans to see your mates/partner for a few jars after work then this might be something small to look forward to that can help you through the day.


2) It’s the little ‘pick-up’ that’s needed.

People deal with stress in different ways. Some like to lift weights in the gym and other folk prefer to lift pints at the bar. There’s a lot to be said for both but I know where I’d rather be.

Let’s face it, everyone needs to blow off some steam after a rough day at work. Maybe your boss is being an arsehole or that annoying co-worker is really starting to get on your nerves. Either way, you’ve deserve a decent pint.


3) Champions League nights.

It’s very rare that we’re treated to a genuine ‘Super Sunday’ like we were this week but there’s no denying the quality on offer from Europe’s best club football competition.

The greatest players in the world are all available to watch over the course of two nights and you don’t even have to move. Throw drinks into the equation and a school-night becomes a good one.

Sunderland vs Stoke City just doesn’t compare to Europe’s elite.


4) You’re served quicker.

Less people means smaller queues which is very convenient, especially if you happen to be someone that just doesn’t have the patience to wait 10 minutes to be served on a Friday night.

Flannery's Queue

5) Carvery dinner.

You’re tired from work, you’ve got nothing in your fridge at home and you really don’t want to go shopping.

If this was the weekend then your mind will definitely guilt trip you into visiting Tesco’s because it’s your free time. This issue never arises on a weekday though because it’s almost like your brain instantly uses work as a legitimate excuse to override your laziness.

Then again, who can argue with a good carvery when it’s in front of you?


6) Less annoying people.

We’ve all been drunk on an occasion but the chances are that you’re less likely to meet as many ‘pissed as a fart’ people on a Tuesday when compared to a Saturday.

Fiesta De San Fermin Running Of The Bulls - Day 2

7. Cheaper in some places.

If you know your local pubs then you should also know the days and times when certain places have promotions, discounts and a happy hour.

You can try arguing with sound financial logic but there’s really no point in doing so. You know exactly where you’re going to be for the next hour.


8) Less chance of an awkward run-in.

Ireland can be a small place at times, really small.

Most of you will have probably bumped into your ex at some point during a weekend , but if you want to avoid any potential awkward conversations and enjoy your evening, a weekday is probably a safer bet.

Then again, maybe your ex is stalking you and follows you everywhere. That’s not creepy at all.


9) Chat.

Lots of people actually enjoy having a conversation with their mates that doesn’t require them to shout over hordes of people and some booming music.

Sometimes that music really sounds like they’re drilling holes in the wall.

Clip via – ThraxUK

10) Your dignity remains intact.

The fact that you have to get up early for work the next morning is usually an effective deterrent to having that shot of jäger or another pint ‘for the road’.

With this in mind, I’d guess that ‘The Fear’ is much smaller the morning after and you haven’t lost your keys/wallet/phone/passport/friends/dignity.

Good for you!


LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge


drink,JOE Lists