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01st Jun 2017

Feed your brain: The best food to get you fired up for work

Everything you need to fuel your mind.


Brought to you by Lidl. 

What should you eat to feed the brain?

They say you are what you eat but that doesn’t make you an actual tomato. Still, you’ll only get out what you put in and that extends to your brain as well as your body.

If you’re facing a long day at work or trying to get your head into the books ahead of exams, you’ll want your brain to be firing on all cylinders. So what should you be eating to make this happen? The following brain foods may be just what you need.


Oats are an ideal breakfast choice to set your brain up for the day. They’re full of the B vitamins that become depleted under stress, causing poor concentration, irritability and bad moods. These vitamins cushion the nervous system so a daily dose will keep you charged and in a good mood during work hours.

Wholegrain cereals

The best way to stay alert is to keep your brain properly fuelled throughout the day. Glucose in your blood delivers this energy to your brain. Brown wholegrain bread, rice or pasta with a low GI (glycaemic index) release this energy slowly so they’ll keep you alert throughout the day. This is much healthier than the energy peaks and slumps cause by the likes of white rice or pasta.


Studies have shown that blueberries can improve or delay memory loss. They found that eating these berries could improve memory and thinking in older people so it’s brain food credentials are pretty solid. Anything that can improve memory can only be a good thing, even if you’re just out of college.


Beetroot may not look like a performance-enhancing substance but this nutrient-dense veg is packed with nitrate, which we convert into nitric oxide. That’s not the stuff they use in the Fast and the Furious films but it does deliver a significant energy boost.

Sports people use this for endurance and performance and a glass of juice with breakfast can improve blood flow to the brain and keep you going.

Pumpkin seeds

brain food

Pumpkin seeds are packed with zinc, which is good for your immune system but which also great for enhancing memory and thinking. So you can snack on a few seeds at work, add them to porridge or fry them up and add them to a salad.

Oily fish

Oily fish are packed with Omega 3 fatty acids that help your brain to run smoothly and improve your memory. So the likes of salmon, trout and mackerel are ideal foods to feed your grey matter. Sandwiches, salads or a bit of smoked salmon on a cracker make great brain snacks or you can treat yourself to a proper fish dinner. Just remember that eating a fishy lunch at your desk might not win you many friends at work!


brain food

It may have gained a reputation as a hipster accessory but the humble avocado is full of healthy fats that are good for the brain. These fats lower blood pressure and help with healthy blood flow, which helps the brain to run at full power. So it’s probably worth being labelled as a hipster for your avocado lunches.

Looking for some more recipe ideas? Lidl has even more great recipes on their website and ways to save on your shopping with their Full Shop Campaign!

Brought to you by Lidl. 

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