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15th Sep 2016

VIDEO: Heartless sicko coaxes cat towards him before viciously booting it (Graphic content)

Nooruddean Choudry

What an absolute scumbag.

You witness certain acts of violence and wonder how anyone can be so heartlessly cruel. We don’t even mean in the context of terrorism or war, but everyday instances of sickening behaviour that make you lose all hope for the human race.

Domestic pets are vulnerable and dependent upon our care. They see us humans as allies.

So of course when a dog or a cat is coaxed over by a friendly seeming individual, they are going to happily oblige.

Sadly, for a sicko filmed on camera by an accomplice, such a situation was ample opportunity to exert some horrible cruelty upon an unsuspecting creature.

A man was filmed in Lewisham, Kent, appearing to coax and then gently stroke a cat, before doing something utterly reprehensible. He booted the feline with all the power of his left foot, as if it were a football. It’s horrible to watch.

ITV Investigative Reporter Mark Williams-Thomas has shared the footage via his Twitter account, and asked for help in catching the cruel bastard. Let’s hope that the cat is okay, and that they catch the scumbag who caused it harm.

This article originally appeared on

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