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03rd Mar 2015

Survey: The most annoying thing you can do to your work colleague has been revealed

People get angry

Joe Harrington

This is very annoying to be honest.

Groups of workmates are basically a bunch of strangers put together and nobody has a clue what they’re letting themselves in for.

The law of averages will mean there’s probably going to be one or two that get on your nerves, that’s just human nature.

Although, I’d like to say that I like every single one of my workmates here in JOE Towers, honest. (3)

You are going to get annoyed from time to time, and a study in the Academy of Management Journal has found the MOST annoying thing you can do to a colleague.

If you’re the type of person who sends a work-related text or email to someone after work hours, you’re making people very angry.

Almost ALL of the 341 adults surveyed became angry when they received an email or text from the office after work.


The people in the study said responding took too much of their time and interfered with their personal lives.

Yeah, that makes sense.

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