Tuesday is a great day. We list some reasons as to why Tuesday is a big hitter in the days of the week charm offensive.
For starters, it’s not Monday. Monday is the day we all dread. As soon as Sunday afternoon rolls around, the imminent spectre of Monday looms large on the horizon and invariably affects our mood negatively. Tuesday is the welcome respite from a hard weekend and immediately focuses the mind on the coming weekend. Tuesday becomes the Monday after a bank holiday weekend, but does not possess the negative overtures brought by Monday as Tuesday signals the start of a short week. Have you ever heard of a song called ‘Tell Me Why I Don’t Like Tuesdays?’ Exactly!
For the football fans out there, Tuesday night is usually the first proper live European football night of the week. There is nothing like heading home from work and suddenly realising that a big European match is only an hour or so to kick-off. It puts a pep in your step. It blends into Wednesday which is another night of European football therefore increasing the rate of knots of the week passing by.
Pancakes! Yeah, we know that it’s only once a year, but Tuesdays are synonymous with pancakes. Pancakes are one of man’s greatest achievements and Tuesday is the day afforded the honour of hosting this magical day. There has never been a Pancake Wednesday or Pancake Friday. What’s to stop you making it a weekly event?! Pancake Tuesday is that good, it deserves to be weekly.
This may strike you as being odd, but Tuesdays are synonymous with parties. What I hear you say? Two words folks – Mardi Gras. Translated from French it means Fat Tuesday. There has never been a dull Mardi Gras party. Ever. Get the masks out, get the samba drums out and party like it’s not Monday.
Tuesday is the best day to go shopping, there are not many people out and about as they’ve obviously preferred to shop during the wilds of the weekend where the shortage of trolleys becomes a national emergency. On Tuesday, you can wander around the aisles at your leisure and choose what you need without feeling the pressures of thronging crowds and mile long check-out queues.
It’s the little things that put a smile on your face. Lidl want to invite you to Choose to live a little and to celebrate we’re giving away €50 a day to spend in-store. Go on, treat yourself & click here to win. How would you Choose to live a little?
LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge