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Movies & TV

21st Jan 2019

The Big Reviewski Ep1 is back with star guests Samuel L. Jackson, John C. Reilly & Steve Coogan

Eoghan Doherty

Greetings film fans!

C’mere and give us a big hug, we’ve missed you.

The Big Reviewski is back! And it’s bigger and better than ever before!

We can actually say we’re bigger and better because both of those things are technically true.

Bigger because Eoghan DohertyRory Cashin and Paul Moore are delighted to be joined by a brand new gang member on the show… please give it up for Justine Stafford!

*Crowd goes wild, loses the run of themselves, all hell breaks loose*

And everything is better because we’ve teamed up with the film-loving folk at Omniplex Cinemas to bring you all the latest movie news, movie reviews, movie quizzes and movie prizes – basically anything with the word ‘movies’ in front of it – and it’s all coming to you from a super sexy and slick new set.

2019 is kicking off with a cracking first show, with Stan & Ollie stars, John C. Reilly and Steve Coogan, popping by to doff their derby hats and say hello, while the original motherflippin’ fothermucker of them all, Samuel L. Jackson, calls by to increase the cool levels by around 800 million % as he talks Glass and getting really, really sick in Limerick.

Plus, there’s an important and intellectual discussion about why sales of peaches shot up last year (Timothée Chalomet may or may not have had something to do with it).

Don’t ask, just watch and listen below…

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Now it’s time to have your head melted by this week’s Haiclue. Think you know the answer to the one below? Let us know your guess by tweeting @BigReviewski or you can WhatsApp us on the world’s most forgettable number, 00353 874001103.

(In case you need a reminder of how the Haiclue works, click here.)

Luther’s poisoned bride,

Pumpkin and Honey Bunny

Case the restaurant.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge