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17th Feb 2018

This incredible choir with 11 deaf members turned everyone watching into an emotional wreck

Rory Cashin

For the third week in a row, Ireland’s Got Talent had an emotional sniper aimed right at our feelings.

Nobody expected this show to manage to crumple us into sobbing messes so easily!

Week One had 81-year-old Evelyn from Tallaght, and then Week Two had 38-year-old Linda McLoughlin, currently living in Ratoath, and both times we were incapable of coping.

However, both of those times, both of those acts were the final performers of the night, so we were kind of emotional primed to be triggered.

Week Three, however, kicked off with The Deaftones, and we were absolutely not ready.

A choir with a difference, comprising of eleven deaf members, who sign to the music, with two hearing members who sing.

This choir experiences music in a variety of different ways, including sensing sound through vibrations and lip reading. The group range in age from 13 to 39 years old and have been together for seven years.

Three of the members are sisters, two are deaf and the other is the only hearing member of the family.

Together, they took to the stage to perform Ed Sheeran’s ballad ‘Photograph’, and before they got to the first chorus, some of the judges and backstage host Lucy Kennedy were already wiping away the tears.

Unsurprisingly, people at home were also unable to keep it together while watching:

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge