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Movies & TV

02nd Jul 2018

Power returns to Netflix with the first episode of its fifth season

Rudi Kinsella

We’re ready.

Fans of Power have waited long enough for the hit TV show to return.

It has been almost a year since an episode was uploaded to Netflix, and viewers will be absolutely buzzing to see the show back on the silver screen.

The first episode of season five was uploaded on Monday, with the plan being that an episode will be uploaded to Netflix every week.

The weekly-episode structure is a bit rare on Netflix, but it makes sure that fans of the show are chuffed every time one comes out.

Creator of the show Courtney Kemp has said that no character is safe, which won’t be a surprise to those who saw the last episodes of season four…

We won’t ruin the show for you with in-depth plot details, but we do recommend that you watch it.

50 Cent is the most well-known actor from the show, and has claimed that season five could see a dark turn for his character.

He also sings the theme song, which is an absolute banger…

Clip via 50 Cent

We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait to get home to watch it.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge