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Movies & TV

14th Jun 2020

The JOE Movie Quiz: Week 56

Eoghan Doherty

“All work and no quiz makes Jack a dull boy…”

It’s time for The Big Reviewski JOE Movie Quiz. 15 questions, three rounds, one chance (unless you refresh the page and just do it again)…

Round 1 is all about the world’s coolest man, Keanu Reeves, who this week stars in the first trailer for Bill & Ted Face The Music. Totally excellent, dude!

*Does air guitar thingy*

Hope you brought a spare pair of pants, because Round 2 is scary as f*ck. To celebrate the amazing news that Irish talent Lee Cronin will be directing the new Evil Dead movie, we’re testing your knowledge of 1980s horror classics.

Roll up, roll up for Round 3! With the news that Tayto Park was open for business… and then immediately closed again, we’re taking a look at some of our favourite film fairgrounds and theme parks.

On your movies… get set… GO!

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The Big Reviewski JOE Movie Quiz: Week 56 I got %%score%% of %%total%% right

You want more, don’t you? Hold on to your butts and click here for another Movie Quiz.

LISTEN: You Must Be Jokin’ with Aideen McQueen – Faith healers, Coolock craic and Gigging as Gaeilge