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27th Nov 2023

Toy Show legend Sheamie had a class response to his newfound fame

Kat O'Connor

Toy Show icon Sheamie said people are asking for his autograph.

There was one stand-out star from Friday night’s Toy Show, and we’re not talking about Kielty in his Ken costume.

Sheamie Garrihy is the star everyone is talking about after the show aired and we’re not one bit surprised.

The youngster, only seven years old but already a household name in Ireland, had viewers in stitches with his laid-back attitude and witty sense of humour.

He even has people asking for his autograph in the street – yes, really!

Sheamie opened up about his newfound fame during an interview with The Irish Sun, telling the publication that the public kept asking him for photos and autographs.

He said: “A load of young ones my own age were asking me for pictures with them and an autograph.


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Sheamie has a great response to new found Toy Show fame.

“I could hardly eat my breakfast because of the Toy Show. A load of young ones my own age were asking me for pictures with them and an autograph. All I know is I won’t be stuck for an auld beour,” he quipped.

The Toy Show star’s parents Caitriona and Jamie said they’re incredibly proud of their son, saying: “He’s always like that. He’s around older people all the time, my brothers would always be around, and Jamie’s brothers.

“We live in a good community where there’s loads of people around, always people coming and going from the house,” they added.

In another interview with the Irish Independent, Sheamie was asked about the “GoFundMe Page” set up to “buy him a pint” (which turned out just to be a joke shared on on X).

Despite it not actually existing, the Kilfenora man had an excellent response: “Maybe buy a few chickens while I’m waiting for my pints.”

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