What messages will you leave for Ireland in 2122?
Following a Covid-inflicted delay, the census is set to be sent to every household in the country in April.
Over two million forms will be delivered nationwide by Sunday, 3 April.
Census 2022 was launched at Government buildings on Thursday (3 March).
“The census, by counting every single person present in Ireland, provides a uniquely comprehensive account of our population,” said Taoiseach Micheál Martin at the launch.
“It is far more than a simple counting exercise, the census asks a variety of questions that give us the information that is vital for the planning of public services. There is not a single decision taken, on the provision of public services from health to education and housing, that is not shaped in some way by census data.
“By actively participating in the census people are supporting their communities, ensuring policy decisions are made with an accurate view of each community’s needs.
“The census also provides a valuable historic record for future generations to study.
“As we mark the Decade of Centenaries, and examine the progress we have made as a nation, it will be fascinating to see what Census 2022 tells us about our country.”
For the first time since the census was first fully conducted in 1823, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) will be providing a page to be added to a time capsule, where those who take the census will be able to leave a message for Ireland 100 years from now.
One of over 5,000 enumerators will visit your home in the next coming days and weeks to deliver the census, and be sure to keep it safe before you fill it out on 3 April.
Census forms are available in Irish and English, while guides are also available in 22 other languages to assist those for whom Irish or English is not a first language.
Featured Image: Leah Farrell / RollingNews.ie
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