Ray D’Arcy has quit Today FM with immediate effect.
The news was announced on Sunday evening and Twitter is, as usual, divided.
Oh, and so much for not going back…
Wow. Major coup for RTÉ. Ray D’Arcy is a big catch for the state broadcaster.
— Darren O’Keeffe (@Darren606) December 7, 2014
Very sad Ray D’Arcy is leaving @todayfmofficial.When I worked 9-5 he was what got me thru the morning.Hope the show has the same feel on RTE
— Fiona Carty (@FionaCarty_) December 7, 2014
Mum just rang me, all upset about the Ray D’Arcy news. “What will happen to Derek? And Brenda??”
— Neasa Conneally (@neasaconneally) December 7, 2014
Will really miss Ray D’Arcy every morning on @todayfmofficial. Can’t believe he has left. #RayDArcy
— Kate Acheson (@KateATipp) December 7, 2014
The real reason Ray Darcy quit @MrNiallMcGarry @Sandra_kirrane @_OMERTA_ #awks pic.twitter.com/8OdCMxbiRb
— The Galway Player (@GalwayPlayer) December 7, 2014
So,the man who said he’d leave Ireland if Enda Kenny became Taoiseach is now off to work for the State Broadcaster! #Raydarcy #HeadScratcher
— Thomas Curran (@ThomasCurran11) December 7, 2014
Open to correction but think Ray D’Arcy, at 50, will be youngest presenter on RTE Radio One from 9am to 10pm.
— Kieran Cunningham (@KCsixtyseven) December 7, 2014
You loved it so much, we’re bringing it back! The JOE Pub Quiz is LIVE again.
We’re hitting up The Academy, Dublin on Friday, 14th of February.
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