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21st Jun 2013

Irish lad wins ‘Best Job in the World’ contest

Endorsed by Bear Grylls among others, Dubliner Allan Dixon has won one of the world’s best jobs in Australia.


Endorsed by Bear Grylls among others, Dubliner Allan Dixon has won one of the world’s best jobs in Australia.

How would you fancy being an ‘Outback Adventurer’ in the Northern Territory of Australia, spending six months interacting with the animals and stunning scenery of the area and earning  a sweet AUS$100,000 (€79,000) in the process?

Yeah, we thought you might like it. Dubliner Allan Dixon fancied it too so he joined the hundreds of thousands of hopefuls who applied when the Australian tourist board launched a hunt to find six people to take on six ‘Best Jobs in the World’.

We featured Allan when he made it down to the final few hopefuls and it was at that stage that he got the Bear Grylls seal of approval, a man who knows an outback adventure when he sees one.

It looks like that, plus Allan’s own skills, were enough to land the 26-year-old Dubliner one of the six sweet gigs. After seeing off 330,000 applicants in the race for one of six jobs, we reckon he will be able to handle six months in the bush with no bother at all.