The lads at Real Madrid try their hands a the newest sport around, football golf, and we think we’d like to give it a go.
By Adrian Collins
Footballers often like to unwind with a round of golf, and more than a few of them are actually pretty handy at it.
However, we’ve not seen them try playing by kicking a football around a course before, although we imagine they’d also be fairly decent at that given it is their profession to kick a ball.
Coenatrao (who you might remember from this hilarious video yesterday), Ozil, Higuain and Varane all work their way around the custom made course, with Varane looking like he’s not too bad at it, although he does employ the old trustworthy toe-poke at one point.
If you fancy giving football golf a try yourself, check out the Irish lads who’ve made a course or head on over to their website and check it out.